History of Methodism in Wigan

Interesting publications that chart the history of Wigan Methodism:-

The Wigan Miracles

Recollections of Muriel Guyler of her father Rev. W.A. Harrison whose inspired pioneering leadership created the Queen's Hall Mission. 


Two Hundred Years of Methodism in Wigan

A really interesting booklet from the Wigan sermon in 1764 by John Wesley to the opening of Whitley Methodist Church in 1971. The publication describes some weird and wonderful places where the faithful worshipped. Also some great research of the people involved.


150 Years of Wigan Methodism (1783 -1933)

by C. Deane Little, published in 1933, records the Movement's early beginnings, the individuals, and their contributions. Lots of information on Sunday and Day Schools.


The Life of Timothy Coop

Interesting information about the life of Timothy (1817-1877), well known for the Coop's Building in Dorning Street. Timothy's association with the Christian Meeting House in Rodney Street and other Buildings in Wigan, "still standing" 


A Standish Baptism

A short history of Standish Methodism from the first visit of John Wesley in 1764, by Jim Meehan.


1905 - Independent Methodist Churches in Wigan 

Extract of the Wigan Churches - from a Souvenir booklet celebrating the 100th Annual Meeting of the Independent Methodist Churches in April 1905.


Lord Crawford's Other Village.

The history of Crawford Village and the Primitive Methodist Chapel. Tells of the lives of the Naylor and Hughes families through the generations and living in the village and Wigan.


Wesley MethodistChurch (1776-1946)

An in depth study of the Methodist movement in Lamberhead Green.


History of Wigan Baptist Church (1796-1996)

Extensive research and its locations.


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